Friday, February 15, 2019

Secure Your Personal Files - Safety Concern Post

     Hi everyone, hope you'll doing good. Today, we're going to see how to securely lock our personal files in our computer.

     Going out on a vacation, and losing your personal computer, though it's nothing with the money if you're rich enough to afford another one, but what if you have had your personal files? What if gets caught with unsafe hands? So, here's one simple solution to safeguard your files and you can use this method to lock/unlock your files like a folder lock also...

    There are lots of methods for this, several folder locking software are available in the Internet, but there are reported problems about how secure those third party software are in hiding out our confidential files.

    Before going into the topic, let's glance few of the problems reported with the third party software:
1. You may need to unlock all the files before you renew your operating system.
2. There's no guarantee for your private files when the software crashes or system crashes occur.
3. If your operating system has gone and reinstallation is the only solution, then you just have to forget your private files, you can never get it back as the encryption method of your software is bound to your current operating system.

    So, this being the case, what can we do to securely and safely lock our files in our computer?
Here's the solution:
     Our Windows OS itself is loaded up with a good folder locking feature called as "BitLocker" which is secure and safe always in Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10. Whatever happens to the Operating System or any crash, your files are always safe and secure so that whenever you want you can recover or view your private files. But, the only drawback is that it can lock only the whole disk drive.

Advantages of using Windows inbuilt "BitLocker" over third party folder lock software:
1.Even if you reinstall your Operating System, you'll still be able to access your locked files in BitLocker method.
2.System crashes or any other sort of error won't affect your locked private files ever.
3.If you lose your laptop, your private files are still safe and can't be accessed by stranger, if locked with "BitLocker".

So, now it's time to see how to enable "BitLocker" in our computer:

1.Goto "Control Panel" or "Settings" in your Windows operating system and type "BitLocker" in the search box provided at the topright corner of the page.

2.You'll then get a page like shown in the below image:

3. Through the above page, you can setup Bitlocker, I've shown how the options will be provided for each scenario:
>>For C drive, BitLocker is not turned On, so, we're given only one option there, to "Turn on the BitLocker" if we need.
>>For D drive, BitLocker is turned On, and the drive is securely locked, so, the only option is now to "Unlock the Drive" if we need.
>>For E drive, BitLocker is turned On, but the drive is currently in Unlocked State for accessing private files, we can change "Password" or setup a "smart-card based Unlocking" method to access our private files.

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